Praxeological Gestalts. Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Sociology Meet Gestalt Psychology
Phil Hutchinson, Doug Hardman & Anna C. Zielinska
Editorial Introduction: Praxeological Gestalts – Philosophy, Cognitive science and Sociology
Meet Gestalt Psychology 5
Janette Dinishak
Köhler, Wittgenstein, and the Live Bonds of Dynamical Reality 21
Michael Campbell
From Rule Following to Productive Thinking: Reading the Philosophical Investigations
in the Light of Gestalt Psychology 37
Phil Hutchinson
Wittgensteinian Ethnomethodology (1): Gurwitsch, Garfinkel, and Wittgenstein
and the Meaning of Praxeological Gestalts 61
Michael Lynch & Clemens Eisenmann
Transposing Gestalt Phenomena from Visual Fields to Practical and Interactional Work:
Garfinkel’s and Sacks’ Social Praxeology 95
Terry Au-Yeung & Richard Fitzgerald
Multi-layered Gestalt in Real-time Interaction Re-specifying Gurwitsch’s
Law of Good Gestalt to Explicate the Projective Grammar of Actions 123
Sandra Laugier
Praxéologie et agentivité chez J. L. Austin 151
Anna C. Zielinska
Une procédure plutôt qu’une théorie : les praxéologies de Kotarbiński et de Garfinkel 173
Harry Heft
Lewin’s “Psychological Ecology” and the Boundary of the Psychological Domain 189
Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein
The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances 211
John Preston
Gestalt Epistemology: From Gestalt Psychology to Phenomenology in the Work of
Michael Polanyi 233
Corentin Fève
Les transformations de la vision du monde scientifique et la psychologie de la Gestalt
chez Thomas Kuhn 255
Alan Costall
On Two Aspects Of “The Gestalt Revolution” 275
Alexandre Métraux & Aron Gurwitsch
Two Unpublished Texts by Aron Gurwitsch 283