Revisiting Stanley Milgram’s Experiment: What Lessons Can We Learn from It Today? Nestar Russell & Raphaël Künstler Stanley Milgram’s Obedience Studies: A Critical Review of the Most Influential Explanatory Accounts Pascal Ludwig Pourquoi les perpétrateurs de génocides obéissent-ils ? John M. Doris, Laura Niemi & Edouard Machery True Believers: The Incredulity Hypothesis and the Enduring Legacy of the Obedience Experiments Megan E. Birney, Stephen D. Reicher & S. Alexander Haslam…
ISBN: 9782380721416
Nombre de pages: 224
Collection: Philosophia scientiae. Archives Henri Poincaré, Revues
Praxeological Gestalts. Philosophy, Cognitive Science and Sociology Meet Gestalt Psychology Phil Hutchinson, Doug Hardman & Anna C. Zielinska Editorial Introduction: Praxeological Gestalts – Philosophy, Cognitive science and Sociology Meet Gestalt Psychology 5 Janette Dinishak Köhler, Wittgenstein, and the Live Bonds of Dynamical Reality 21 Michael Campbell From Rule Following to Productive Thinking: Reading the Philosophical Investigations in the Light of Gestalt Psychology 37 Phil Hutchinson Wittgensteinian Ethnomethodology (1): Gurwitsch, Garfinkel, and…
ISBN: 9782380720877
Nombre de pages: 308
Collection: Philosophia scientiae. Archives Henri Poincaré, Revues